The Christian Weight Loss Journey

When most people try to lose weight, they think that the only way they're going to lose weight is by following a strict diet plan and exercise routine. That's not necessarily true. It's not about what you "should" be eating or how much you "should" be exercising. No, it's more about what NOT you should be eating or doing. Read on for a few surprising truths about losing weight and fast...

- You'll never see the results you were expecting if you don't make the right kind of compromises and sacrifices. If you start out losing weight quickly, you will probably end up putting all that effort into something that is pretty much pointless. If you don't take the long-term view of losing 100 pounds, you could easily find yourself bingeing on fatty, sugary, fattening foods, which IS NOT in your best interests when you're losing weight.

- People who are serious about losing 100 pounds need to set short-term and long-term goals. The best way to lose weight is to make a lifetime commitment towards your goal weight. You have to be willing to make sacrifices now to achieve your long-term goal weight.

- Most weight loss journey experts recommend adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes a sensible diet, regular exercise, and lots of sleep. It's also important to set realistic goals for yourself. Your long-term goals should be easier to achieve. For example, instead of eating three big meals per day, try to have five small meals that are spread throughout the day.

- Another mistake that many people make when trying to lose 100 pounds is binging easily. If you go on a binge immediately after you stop dieting, you will quickly regain all of the weight you just lost. On the other hand, if you allow yourself some time to cool off and gain some recovery between binging episodes, you will be able to prevent yourself from gaining all of the weight right back again. So in essence, you wind up gaining more calories than you initially lost.

- Finally, don't think that you have to curb binge eating all the time. You are not going to have permanent weight loss success by cutting out all food groups. It's best to balance your intake of healthy carbs (breads, rice, etc.) and healthy fats (fish, olives, nuts, etc.) But at the same time, you can't allow yourself to get totally "starvation mode."

As a Christian, I know that God wants us to be healthy. That's why he gave us His Son, Jesus Christ, to take care of his creation. We need to follow his example, and we need to make sure that we are exercising regularly, eating the right amount of calories (not too much), and that we are not allowing ourselves to fall into "utter laziness."

If you are serious about achieving long-lasting weight loss success, you need to follow a Christian weight loss program like the ones I have described above. Don't be discouraged if you fail. Follow the steps, and keep at it. If you do, you can soon achieve the healthy, shapely body that you have always wanted.

You don't have to be a fitness fanatic or a member of the cheerleading squad to lose weight effectively. You just need to be motivated enough to follow a plan that will help you to drop those extra few pounds, and to continue to do it until you reach your goal. So don't let discouragement keep you from hitting the 100th pound in the first week of your new healthy eating plan. In fact, if you feel like you have failed already, you are probably right!

Don't ever think that you have to follow a particular plan for 100 pounds. If that sounds like an impossible task, just remember how close to the losing weight goal you came when you were a skinny little baby. You kept at it, and now you can see the fruits of your labor. So don't worry if your goal is not reaching 100 pounds by the end of your Christian weight loss journey. It can and will happen. Just keep going, and before you know it, you will be well on your way to your new goal.

Make your Christian weight loss plan fun. When you are eating healthy foods and you are having fun with it, you will find that you are more likely to stick to your plan. Your enthusiasm for life will come through, and you will enjoy being with yourself while on your journey to losing weight. Binge eating is the enemy of any Christian diet, and it must be defeated before you will see significant weight loss. If you are struggling with the idea of trying to stop binge eating, consult a trained counselor to help you in your journey.
