How Did Chaz Bono Lose Weight?
Have you seen the new movie, "Chaz Bono," with Matt Damon and directed by David Fincher? I saw it the other day and thought it was very funny. However, I also know that for many, this film is not about losing weight but rather about David Hasselhoff's ridiculous weight loss claims. So, does Chaz Bono weight loss diet program actually work? Let's take a look at how he did it.

First, Chaz Bono decided to follow no fewer than three different weight loss plans during the course of his life. He followed one November diet plan, one fitness plan and one weight loss plan for kids. As you can see, this man was absolutely dedicated to losing weight. His only regret was that he didn't do more; he wanted to look better and felt he had done enough already.
To follow these three different diets, Chaz Bono made several sacrifices. First, he had to eliminate his favorite chocolate candy from his diet, which he considered a comfort food. Second, he had to eat lean meats like turkey and chicken instead of hotdogs and hamburgers. Finally, in order for him to stay on his November calorie requirement, he had to exercise daily.
He knew that his weight loss goal was unachievable without these sacrifices, so he worked hard to get to his ideal size. When he arrived at his ideal weight, he had gained back almost all of the weight that he had lost during his diet. Even after he began to eat healthily and exercise regularly, he was still not at his ideal size. He was not thin by nature, but he was a healthy male, and that must have mattered more to him than the number on his scales. What finally tipped the scales in his favor was his appointment with the Surgeon.
Dr. Bono knew that Chaz needed help in order for him to lose weight, and he was determined to provide it. He asked Chaz to lose weight slowly and to stay off the scale for an entire month. This was hard for a young man who was used to living in a world of instant gratification, where the shortest amount of time is more important than anything else. But this was necessary to get him to his ideal size. He had already been following one of Chaz Bono's diets, so he knew that by staying on this diet he would keep the weight off and keep it off forever.
When he visited his doctor for the first time, he was skeptical about following such a strict diet. He knew that when it came to dieting there were always going to be some 'conventional' methods and some 'alternative' methods, and he didn't want to get stuck with either. His doctor patiently explained all of the things involved with this type of diet and then recommended him to try the Weight Loss Journey. It was at this point that Chaz finally started to lose weight on his own, with the support of his family.
The Weight Loss Journey is a great exercise program, and it really worked. After a month, Chaz was down to his goal weight, and proud of himself. The next month, he hit the target pound again and hit it again. Then another month went by, he shed off yet another few more pounds and kept on going. This kept him on track and helped him to feel confident that he could do this too. It made him realize that if he followed the plan exactly, he would lose the weight and keep it off forever.
Chaz Bono started the Weight Loss Journey, as a way to jump start his weight loss journey. He wanted to experience the same success as the other people who had followed his exact plan, so he went on to lose close to one hundred pounds on his own, without any help from surgery or diet pills. He credits the success of the Weight Loss Journey to the fact that he followed the program step by step. He never gave up and became determined each day to reach his goal weight. When he went in for his second surgery, to repair damage done in the first, he knew that this time, it would be the right choice and the right decision.
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