Does Ralphie May Weight Loss Come in the Form of Gastric Bypass Surgery?
Ask any celebrity about their secrets and they're expected to spill their guts in an interview - but did you know Ask Ralphie may be the one person you never want to spill your guts? That's because the mother of three has been carrying out her own secret weight loss secret, going public with her story just as her daughter Natalia did with an incredible and jaw-dropping documentary, "Pump." The mother of three made the reveal during a discussion on her recently-launched podcast, The Alyson Report, where she talked about her son's battle with diabetes and her hopes and dreams for her son. (Watchdogs are not all that thrilled about the idea of the Mommy-To-Be disclosing so much personal information.) In the podcast, Ralphie reveals how much she weighs and shares some details about her personal battle with the pounds.

How much does Ralphie weigh? According to the mother of three, "Ralphie weighs around 120 pounds right now. I think she's trying to lose a few hundred too, but it's hard to say because she hasn't really lost much of anything since she was pregnant." It sounds as if the famous comedian is trying to battle the bulge both inside and out - or at least her body.
As it turns out, the answer to the question of how much does Ralphie weigh is a bit closer to the reality than what her mother and father may have hoped for. Although Ralphie may lose weight during this pregnancy, it seems that weight loss doesn't necessarily translate into weight loss when the child is born. After birth, babies can hold on to extra water and food, which keep them hydrated and prevent you from losing those stubborn pounds. So, in the end, how much does ralphie may weight loss actually entail?
In her role as a comedian, Ralphie has been criticized for her indulgence in food and drinks that are higher in calories than they should be. Some even accused her of being addicted to sugar, while others suggested that her inability to lose weight was directly related to her fondness for diabetic cinnamon drinks. In a nutshell, this didn't stop Ralphie May from going on a keto diet, which she calls "one of the best things that I have done" in an interview with Vogue magazine, though the "keto diet" that she describes in these interviews doesn't necessarily involve eating only one type of food - "I love chicken, ham, tuna, salmon, sweet potatoes, cheesecake and French fries. But sometimes I get hungry during shooting so I eat a little rice crackers or toast with peanut butter and berries."
So, how did this thin, funny comedian lose 800 pounds in less than a year? Ralphie may have used various diet plans to achieve her weight loss goal. She has talked about the power of "calorie cycling," which involves adjusting daily calorie intake according to a target body weight. She has additionally talked about the health benefits of low fat, high fiber foods and beverages. Finally, she has mentioned the usefulness of the ketogenic diet as part of her plan. As it turns out, the ketogenic diet is what Ralphie used to drop the 800 pounds.
The ketosis process, according to its supporters, occurs when the body's cells go into a state of increased ketosis - in short, there is enough energy present for all the cells in the human body to function normally. Ketosis occurs during times of significant physical stress, like major surgery or sudden weight loss. The thought is that after the body gets through the major stress, it can go back to its normal metabolic rate and begin to burn off the excess fat that was not lost during the major stressor.
During the month of January and all throughout the first week of February, Ralphie enjoyed a fast and effective rapid weight loss program, which consisted of tai chi, an intense cardiovascular exercise routine, and consuming a very low-calorie but very low-fat diet plan. In her personal journal, Ralphie wrote that the week of January "was by far the worst month of my entire life" as she experienced serious exhaustion, despite the fact that she ate the recommended 20g carbs (or fiber) per day. A few days later, upon returning from her holiday trip, Ralphie read that her weight loss had been successful! However, by the end of March, it was apparent that Ralphie had not lost any weight, but merely added a few pounds. This led her to conclude that the amount of carbs that her body required to lose weight was too high, and that she would need to eat a more healthy diet.
It was at this point that Ralphie made the decision to have gastric bypass surgery. She has always maintained that she would never go back to her old eating habits, even if she did undergo gastric bypass surgery. But after reading online testimonials of other women who have gone through gastric bypass surgery, Ralphie decided to give it a try. The results showed her that having stomach stapling as part of her weight loss plan was the answer to her struggle with obesity.
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