Your Weight Loss Story - A Workout For The 21st Century
How did that bono lose so much weight? The answer lies in his unique physiology and the kind of exercise he does. A former athlete, chaz bono's diet includes mostly vegetables and protein from eggs. Unlike most people, he also drinks wine from time to time. He eats mostly organic foods. He even participates in some physical activities to keep his metabolism revved up.

The secret to chaz bono weight loss success lies in his unique physiology and the kind of exercise he does. Bono's real name is Paul Gudakunst, but he goes by just chaz. His real name is Paul Bonjour, but everyone calls him simply chaz. His name change and the way he adheres to his new diet is what has made him a star.
At first, chaz kept his diet a secret because he didn't want to disappoint people who thought he was doomed to a lifetime of being overweight. When he hit his target weight, however, people began to ask whether it was possible for someone who had lost so much weight so quickly. Bono explained that he lost all that weight quickly because he stuck to his plan. He made a chart detailing everything that he ate and drank, tracking every bite and every drink for a month. The result of that plan is a very interesting weight loss story.
It all started when that took a break from his weight loss plan. He went swimming and experienced some trouble. He was afraid that if he lost too much water weight that he would have difficulty keeping the water out of his body. He also worried that he would have loose skin after he lost the weight. The funny thing was that he could end up with twice as much loose skin after he lost the weight.
Bono's weight loss plan required him to eat foods that were rich in protein and low in fat. He also had to cut back on his consumption of carbohydrates and sugar. That, combined with swimming and keeping his diet low calorie, led to an immediate and surprising reduction in his weight. His total weight dropped to just over 85 pounds, quite the opposite of his goal of losing 250 pounds.
Bono, of course, didn't think that he could just return to eating his old diet. So he took matters into his own hands and tried out a new diet in the form of a liquid carbohydrate diet. It took him about a month to get the results he was looking for. While he still had the loose skin, he was very pleased with the results and decided that he would pursue weight loss surgery.
The doctor explained to Bono that he would need to get older before he could expect to have a successful weight loss surgery at the ideal size. As it happened, however, Bono was already working towards having the ideal size when he got to the age of twenty. By that time, he was in good physical condition and therefore did not need the surgery. It is not that he didn't still want to lose weight, but he was already in such great physical shape that he didn't need the surgery to attain his ideal size.
In Chaz Bono's weight loss story, there was a lot of emphasis on planning and preparing for one's future. Just as in life you can't go into college without taking some sort of classes that will prepare you for your future, in life you cannot get into shape without some type of preparation. That is what the TV show was trying to convey: that by preparing yourself for future goals, you will be able to achieve those goals and you'll be happy with the result.
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