Review of the Book, 'The Chaz Bono Weight Loss Program'
Chaz Bono's name seems as if it should be an inspiration to people who are trying to loose weight but in reality it is not. He actually lost his first fat child when he was still a teenager. He went on to become a singer and actor. Today, his name is well known as one of the greatest personal motivators for others who want to loose weight, but not everybody has his drive and passion.

The former Senator from Illinois lost his first fight in his fight to become president of the United States. Since then he has been working diligently to reach his goal of losing an entire 165 pounds by January of next year. Chaz Bono's weight loss plan involves eating healthy, exercising regularly, and having a low calorie, low fat and low sodium diet. His plan was created by his personal nutritionist.
The plan consists of eating healthier foods such as chicken breast, fish, turkey breast, pastas and whole grain pasta and steering clear of sweets. The idea is to allow your body to burn the calories more efficiently because it takes longer for your body to digest these foods when they are smaller in size. In turn, this will maximize the amount of time it takes for you to lose weight because you are burning more calories at a slower rate.
When it comes to exercising, chaz bono suggests that you start slow and build up your endurance gradually. For starters you can do some push-ups, sit-ups and stretches. These simple moves can be coupled with other great exercises such as lunges, crunches, and ankle taps to increase the difficulty level. Be careful not to overdo it as it could cause pain or injury and you do not want that to happen when you are on the weight loss journey. It is important to get your body used to the moves and gradually increase the amount until you are reaching your ideal size.
It would be helpful if you could find some videos of yourself doing the different weight loss exercises and master them well enough to perform them without assistance. If you can't find any such videos online, look for them in your local library. Some of the moves that he recommends may seem quite complicated, but after practicing them a few times you could end up looking like a professional weight lifter. Just imagine how great it would feel to look in the mirror and know that you have lost weight without starving yourself everyday for months.
Other methods that he teaches consist of cutting out the consumption of calories so you will only eat a certain number of them. You can opt to go without eating anything at all or you can choose a number that you think you can keep up for the period of time until your next weigh loss challenge. That's right, you are going to have to push yourself and work hard until you can no longer eat those extra TV dinners. Of course, he also strongly encourages his students to include physical exercise into their daily routine so they will look better and burn more calories while they are on the diet.
In the book, he also gives the readers some recipes that can help them on their weight loss journey. One particular recipe he shares is for grapefruit, a healthy antioxidant filled drink that will keep you from feeling hungry during your diet. He also includes a bonus tip that will help people who are having problems losing weight and loose skin: He tells you how to prepare grapefruit for an instant weight loss. Aside from that, there are also pages on creative ways to use the recipes you make while on the diet, such as using avocado instead of olive oil and using low-fat dressings instead of butter.
Overall, the Chaz Bono Weight Loss Program is a very practical guide that will not only shed those pounds fast, it will also help you prevent potential diseases such as diabetes and heart diseases by helping you stick with your limited calorie intake. As such, the program can be very helpful in case you are thinking about having this kind of surgery. For the safety of your well being, you should consult your doctor before you start the diet.
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